Happy New Year
I've found out that my Space Invaders/Kai and Jay flash didn't work out aswell as I thought it would... it was deleted by the school, BUT... that only took 3 hours to complete, and I have a few instructions some where on my computer, so soon I will be able to get a move on. Need to get flash, can't really download it (I hate dial-up) and can't buy it from the shops (no-one sells it). On the other hand, I got a grapics tablet... fairly small... but it works, just need some practice. Might be getting an external hard drive soon so I have a backup of every K&J Episode/Game/Sound (thats good news for Purplefridge, I think). Nothing really new, but the production of Kai and Jay Ware: Clicked should be ready (as you may know) this month, by the sounds of things, the only thing needed is the sounds (no pun intended, just can't think of any other way to put it, haven't seen it yet (damn you too hell dial-up) can only download 50.6kbs). Oh well heres a quick link to Purplefridge and we'll keep you informed of anything Kai-and-Jayish. I wish you good luck in 2009.
Yay! An external hard drive ^_^
My graphics tablet is better than yours :p
DeletedChemical (Updated )
Oh, shut your hole.